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  Fees and Insurance

I am currently only accepting Blue Cross Blue Shield for in-network benefits. If you have BCBS, your claims will be submitted by my billing service directly to your insurance. You will only be responsible for meeting your deductible, if you have one, and/or your copay.

If you have any other insurance plan, I am considered an Out of Network Provider. If you have out of network Mental Health Benefits under your insurance plan, I will gladly provide you with a receipt documenting all of the information your insurance needs to reimburse you for services you receive. Most of the larger plans DO have out of network mental health benefits and will reimburse somewhere around 70% of the session fees. I always encourage people to contact their plan to determine what their out of network benefits are, and to remember to submit their receipts so they will get reimbursed!

I do have a limited number of sliding fee scale slots available. This scale is based on an established fee scale used by area community mental health associations, and is based on income and number of dependants in the home. If you are experiencing financial hardship, please bring this to my attention. If I do not have any sliding fee scale slots available, I will be happy to help refer you to another community provider.

Specific fees will be explained during the phone consultation and prior to any appointments being set.

Due to services being provided via telehealth only, I accept Mastercard/Visa, Paypal, and HSA cards for your convenience. Payment is due at the time of services.